News, Stories And BLOGS

Growing change: Batara community celebrates seed diversity
The broad biodiversity of Timor-Leste's agricultural sector was on proud display in a successful pair of festivals this weekend that reflected the community of Batara's commitment to sustainable and organic..

How one farmer is creating an organic oasis in rural Timor-Leste
Welcome to Batara. Weak morning sun glinted through the misty trees as the new xefi suco, village chief, wrapped a thick tais rug around his shoulders, preparing to greet his..

Photo essay: Tara Bandu ceremony
We travelled to Hera, just outside of Dili, to attend a customary Timorese ceremony called a tara bandu. Click the image below to see how resilient rural communities are using..

RAEBIA hosts UN climate change field trip
Participants from a United Nations climate change conference had the opportunity to see first-hand techniques of conservation agriculture on a field trip to RAEBIA Timor-Leste's Manatuto resource centre on Friday...

Hera community inaugurates new land use regulations in customary ceremony
The Hera community in municipality Manatuto has today finalised four months of land management work with a sacred tara bandu customary ceremony. The final step in a land use management..

Timor-Leste recognised as global innovation leader
Timor-Leste’s “initiative and clear process” impressed as it was welcomed as the newest branch of global agriculture innovation network Prolinnova at the group’s annual conference in Ghana this week. Officially..

Path forward to achieving Sustainable Development Goal in nutrition and agriculture
Strong regulation of land use is critical in achieving development goals, RAEBIA Timor-Leste has told a national conference on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) related to agriculture and nutrition in..

Future farmers: celebrating Cristo Rei resource centre’s newest graduates
Over 100 people honoured the newest graduates of RAEBIA Timor-Leste’s agricultural internship in a ceremony in Metiaut last night, celebrating the students’ successful completion of two weeks of field work..